Group for Sociomicrobiology is dedicated to research of bacterial communities and their interactions with the environment. The focus of the research are microbial activities governed by the production of small molecules essential for the establishment and maintenance of microbe/microbe interactions and host/microbe interactions such as extracellular signaling molecules, secondary metabolites, catabolic enzymes. These small molecules and the mechanisms of their action are the basis of many useful applications we are developing in our Group including application in medicine (new therapeutics, new experimental models, biomarkers for more accurate/faster diagnostics, targets for new generation drug design), bioremediation and agriculture, and biotechnology (biocatalysts, functionalized materials). Research of the Group for Sociomicrobiology focuses on the following research topics: NEW STRATEGIES IN THE TREATMENT OF INFECTIONS Small molecule inhibitors of virulence of pathogenic bacteria and fungi Enzymes with anti-virulent properties Small molecules and enzymes for the treatment of chronic infections - inhibitors of single and mixed biofilms THE ROLE OF INFECTIONS IN THE OCCURRENCE AND PROGRESS OF DIFFERENT PATHOLOGICAL CONDITIONS Pathogen-host interactions Chronic wounds, cystic fibrosis, cancer Model systems: in vitro wound model, cells culture, zebra fish, mouse POTENTIAL OF BACTERIA AND BACTERIAL CONSORTIA IN BIOREMEDIATION AND PLANT GROWTH PROMOTING Identification of individual bacteria or their enzymes Selecting natural and designing artificial bacterial consortia Adaptive evolution of the consortia Application of metabolomics and modeling metabolic relationships within a consortium

