Mladenović, Marko

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Authority KeyName Variants
  • Mladenović, Marko (4)
  • Mladenović, Marko Z. (1)

Author's Bibliography

Seven miRNAs potentially included in the chilling response of maize plants in early stages of development

Božić, Manja; Ignjatović-Micić, Dragana; Delić, Nenad; Mladenović, Marko; Vančetović, Jelena; Banović Đeri, Bojana; Nikolić, Ana

(Belgrade : Institute of molecular genetics and genetic engineering, 2023)

AU  - Božić, Manja
AU  - Ignjatović-Micić, Dragana
AU  - Delić, Nenad
AU  - Mladenović, Marko
AU  - Vančetović, Jelena
AU  - Banović Đeri, Bojana
AU  - Nikolić, Ana
PY  - 2023
UR  -
UR  -
AB  - Micro RNAs (miRNAs) are known regulators of various processes in plants, including growth,
development and stress responses. They achieve this through mRNA cleavage or translational
inhibition, in a process called RNA interference. Herein, their role in chilling stress response in
young maize seedlings (Zea mays L.) is examined, using high-throughput sequencing methods.
Bringing light to all aspects of chilling stress response in maize is necessary since earlier
sowing, during colder periods, is one of the most promising strategies of avoiding maize yield
loss due to effects of climate change in these areas.
Sterilized seeds of two maize genotypes (tolerant - T and sensitive - S to low temperatures)
were germinated in the dark for five days (optimal conditions), after which the 5-d old seedlings
were exposed to chilling conditions for 6h (10° C). Samples for RNA isolation and cDNA library
preparation were taken after the treatment ended, and single-end 50 bp sequencing was
performed (Illumina® Novaseq 6000). The miRNAs were then filtered, mapped, identified
and quantified using adequate bioinformatics tools; and the differential expression analysis
was carried out using the DEGseq R package. The analysis was performed on 859 miRNAs,
after previously executed TPM normalization using the MA-plot-based method with random
sampling model (MARS). The threshold for significantly differential expression was set as the
Bayesian adjusted p-value, or q-value < 0.01 and log2 fold change > 1.
A total of 612 were expressed differentially, but only 55 miRNAs were common for both
genotypes and at the same time differentially expressed between control and treatment
conditions – 40 novel and 15 known. Half of the common miRNAs showed the same
expression patterns in both genotypes, while the other half did not. Among them, seven known
miRNAs showed opposing expression patterns between the genotypes (zma-miR167b-3p
zma-miR167e-3p, zma-miR159c-5p, zma-miR164g-3p, zma-miR166a-5p, zma-miR398a-
3p, and zma-miR528a-3p). These miRNAs were shown to have a role in various abiotic stress
responses, including drought, waterlogging, high salts – but not chilling. While the results point
to their potential role in establishing chilling tolerance in maize seedlings, further research is
necessary to confirm it and connect the miRNAs to their potential targets.
PB  - Belgrade : Institute of molecular genetics and genetic engineering
C3  - 4th Belgrade Bioinformatics Conference
T1  - Seven miRNAs potentially included in the chilling response of maize plants in early stages of development
EP  - 83
SP  - 83
VL  - 4
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Božić, Manja and Ignjatović-Micić, Dragana and Delić, Nenad and Mladenović, Marko and Vančetović, Jelena and Banović Đeri, Bojana and Nikolić, Ana",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Micro RNAs (miRNAs) are known regulators of various processes in plants, including growth,
development and stress responses. They achieve this through mRNA cleavage or translational
inhibition, in a process called RNA interference. Herein, their role in chilling stress response in
young maize seedlings (Zea mays L.) is examined, using high-throughput sequencing methods.
Bringing light to all aspects of chilling stress response in maize is necessary since earlier
sowing, during colder periods, is one of the most promising strategies of avoiding maize yield
loss due to effects of climate change in these areas.
Sterilized seeds of two maize genotypes (tolerant - T and sensitive - S to low temperatures)
were germinated in the dark for five days (optimal conditions), after which the 5-d old seedlings
were exposed to chilling conditions for 6h (10° C). Samples for RNA isolation and cDNA library
preparation were taken after the treatment ended, and single-end 50 bp sequencing was
performed (Illumina® Novaseq 6000). The miRNAs were then filtered, mapped, identified
and quantified using adequate bioinformatics tools; and the differential expression analysis
was carried out using the DEGseq R package. The analysis was performed on 859 miRNAs,
after previously executed TPM normalization using the MA-plot-based method with random
sampling model (MARS). The threshold for significantly differential expression was set as the
Bayesian adjusted p-value, or q-value < 0.01 and log2 fold change > 1.
A total of 612 were expressed differentially, but only 55 miRNAs were common for both
genotypes and at the same time differentially expressed between control and treatment
conditions – 40 novel and 15 known. Half of the common miRNAs showed the same
expression patterns in both genotypes, while the other half did not. Among them, seven known
miRNAs showed opposing expression patterns between the genotypes (zma-miR167b-3p
zma-miR167e-3p, zma-miR159c-5p, zma-miR164g-3p, zma-miR166a-5p, zma-miR398a-
3p, and zma-miR528a-3p). These miRNAs were shown to have a role in various abiotic stress
responses, including drought, waterlogging, high salts – but not chilling. While the results point
to their potential role in establishing chilling tolerance in maize seedlings, further research is
necessary to confirm it and connect the miRNAs to their potential targets.",
publisher = "Belgrade : Institute of molecular genetics and genetic engineering",
journal = "4th Belgrade Bioinformatics Conference",
title = "Seven miRNAs potentially included in the chilling response of maize plants in early stages of development",
pages = "83-83",
volume = "4",
url = ""
Božić, M., Ignjatović-Micić, D., Delić, N., Mladenović, M., Vančetović, J., Banović Đeri, B.,& Nikolić, A.. (2023). Seven miRNAs potentially included in the chilling response of maize plants in early stages of development. in 4th Belgrade Bioinformatics Conference
Belgrade : Institute of molecular genetics and genetic engineering., 4, 83-83.
Božić M, Ignjatović-Micić D, Delić N, Mladenović M, Vančetović J, Banović Đeri B, Nikolić A. Seven miRNAs potentially included in the chilling response of maize plants in early stages of development. in 4th Belgrade Bioinformatics Conference. 2023;4:83-83. .
Božić, Manja, Ignjatović-Micić, Dragana, Delić, Nenad, Mladenović, Marko, Vančetović, Jelena, Banović Đeri, Bojana, Nikolić, Ana, "Seven miRNAs potentially included in the chilling response of maize plants in early stages of development" in 4th Belgrade Bioinformatics Conference, 4 (2023):83-83, .

Citotoksični potencijal estara linoleinske kiseline detektovanih u odbrambenim sekretima stonoga Megaphyllum bosniense i M. unilineatum (Diplopoda: Julida)

Milovanović, Jelena; Ilić, Bojan; Radulović, Niko; Mladenović, Marko; Makarov, Slobodan; Divac Rankov, Aleksandra

(Beograd : Srpsko biološko društvo, 2022)

AU  - Milovanović, Jelena
AU  - Ilić, Bojan
AU  - Radulović, Niko
AU  - Mladenović, Marko
AU  - Makarov, Slobodan
AU  - Divac Rankov, Aleksandra
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - Najveći broj stonoga iz klase Diplopoda poseduje hemijsku zaštitu od predatora
i/ili patogenih mikroorganizama, koji podrazumeva prisustvo odbrambenih
žlezda (ozadena) na trupu čiji se sekreti izbacuju u spoljašnju sredinu preko
otvora koji se naziva ozopora. Predstavnici reda Julida su poznati po tome da su
najčešće dominantne komponente njihovih odbrambenih sekreta hinoni. Pored
hinona, u sekretima ozadena Julida registrovani su i alkoholi, aldehidi, ketoni,
fenolna jedinjenja, kao i brojni estri zasićenih i nezasićenih karboksilnih
kiselina. Dosadašnja istraživanja su pokazala da su ekstrakti odbrambenih
sekreta Julida, kao i pojedinačna jedinjenja koja u njihov sastav ulaze, biološki
aktivni prirodni proizvodi, ali njihov citotoksični potencijal nije dovoljno
istražen. U ovoj studiji je ispitivan uticaj različitih estara linoleinske
kiseline (butil-, pentil-, heksil-, heptil-, oktil-, nonil-, fenetil- i 3-
fenilpropil-linoleat) detektovanih u odbrambenim sekretima stonoga
Megaphyllum bosniense i M. unilineatum na vijabilnost normalnih (BEAS-2B) i
kancerskih (A549) ćelija pluća korišćenjem MTT testa. Svi ispitivani estri su
smanjivali vijabilnost ćelija, pri čemu je postojala značajna razlika u odgovoru
kancerskih u odnosu na normalne ćelije u slučaju tri estra (heksil-, fenetil- i 3-
fenilpropil-linoleat). Iako su estri karboksilnih kiselina poznati kao malo
reaktivna jedinjenja, rezultati ove studije pokazuju da predstavnici ove klase
hemijskih jedinjenja mogu imati citotoksični potencijal.
AB  - Највећи број стонога из класе Diplopoda поседује хемијску заштиту од предатора
и/или патогених микроорганизама, који подразумева присуство одбрамбених
жлезда (озадена) на трупу чији се секрети избацују у спољашњу средину преко
отвора који се назива озопора. Представници реда Julida су познати по томе да су
најчешће доминантне компоненте њихових одбрамбених секрета хинони. Поред
хинона, у секретима озадена Julida регистровани су и алкохоли, алдехиди, кетони,
фенолна једињења, као и бројни естри засићених и незасићених карбоксилних
киселина. Досадашња истраживања су показала да су екстракти одбрамбених
секрета Julida, као и појединачна једињења која у њихов састав улазе, биолошки
активни природни производи, али њихов цитотоксични потенцијал није довољно
истражен. У овој студији је испитиван утицај различитих естара линолеинске
киселине (бутил-, пентил-, хексил-, хептил-, октил-, нонил-, фенетил- и 3-
фенилпропил-линолеат) детектованих у одбрамбеним секретима стонога
Megaphyllum bosniense и M. unilineatum на вијабилност нормалних (BEAS-2B) и
канцeрских (A549) ћелија плућа коришћењем МТТ теста. Сви испитивани естри су
смањивали вијабилност ћелија, при чему је постојала значајна разлика у одговору
канцерских у односу на нормалне ћелије у случају три естра (хексил-, фенетил- и 3-
фенилпропил-линолеат). Иако су естри карбоксилних киселина познати као мало
реактивна једињења, резултати ове студије показују да представници ове класе
хемијских једињења могу имати цитотоксични потенцијал.
PB  - Beograd : Srpsko biološko društvo
C3  - Treći kongres biologa Srbije
T1  - Citotoksični potencijal estara linoleinske kiseline detektovanih u odbrambenim sekretima stonoga Megaphyllum bosniense i M. unilineatum (Diplopoda: Julida)
T1  - Цитотоксични потенцијал естара линолеинске киселине детектованих у одбрамбеним секретима стонога Megaphyllum bosniense и M. unilineatum (Diplopoda: Julida)
SP  - 186
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Milovanović, Jelena and Ilić, Bojan and Radulović, Niko and Mladenović, Marko and Makarov, Slobodan and Divac Rankov, Aleksandra",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Najveći broj stonoga iz klase Diplopoda poseduje hemijsku zaštitu od predatora
i/ili patogenih mikroorganizama, koji podrazumeva prisustvo odbrambenih
žlezda (ozadena) na trupu čiji se sekreti izbacuju u spoljašnju sredinu preko
otvora koji se naziva ozopora. Predstavnici reda Julida su poznati po tome da su
najčešće dominantne komponente njihovih odbrambenih sekreta hinoni. Pored
hinona, u sekretima ozadena Julida registrovani su i alkoholi, aldehidi, ketoni,
fenolna jedinjenja, kao i brojni estri zasićenih i nezasićenih karboksilnih
kiselina. Dosadašnja istraživanja su pokazala da su ekstrakti odbrambenih
sekreta Julida, kao i pojedinačna jedinjenja koja u njihov sastav ulaze, biološki
aktivni prirodni proizvodi, ali njihov citotoksični potencijal nije dovoljno
istražen. U ovoj studiji je ispitivan uticaj različitih estara linoleinske
kiseline (butil-, pentil-, heksil-, heptil-, oktil-, nonil-, fenetil- i 3-
fenilpropil-linoleat) detektovanih u odbrambenim sekretima stonoga
Megaphyllum bosniense i M. unilineatum na vijabilnost normalnih (BEAS-2B) i
kancerskih (A549) ćelija pluća korišćenjem MTT testa. Svi ispitivani estri su
smanjivali vijabilnost ćelija, pri čemu je postojala značajna razlika u odgovoru
kancerskih u odnosu na normalne ćelije u slučaju tri estra (heksil-, fenetil- i 3-
fenilpropil-linoleat). Iako su estri karboksilnih kiselina poznati kao malo
reaktivna jedinjenja, rezultati ove studije pokazuju da predstavnici ove klase
hemijskih jedinjenja mogu imati citotoksični potencijal., Највећи број стонога из класе Diplopoda поседује хемијску заштиту од предатора
и/или патогених микроорганизама, који подразумева присуство одбрамбених
жлезда (озадена) на трупу чији се секрети избацују у спољашњу средину преко
отвора који се назива озопора. Представници реда Julida су познати по томе да су
најчешће доминантне компоненте њихових одбрамбених секрета хинони. Поред
хинона, у секретима озадена Julida регистровани су и алкохоли, алдехиди, кетони,
фенолна једињења, као и бројни естри засићених и незасићених карбоксилних
киселина. Досадашња истраживања су показала да су екстракти одбрамбених
секрета Julida, као и појединачна једињења која у њихов састав улазе, биолошки
активни природни производи, али њихов цитотоксични потенцијал није довољно
истражен. У овој студији је испитиван утицај различитих естара линолеинске
киселине (бутил-, пентил-, хексил-, хептил-, октил-, нонил-, фенетил- и 3-
фенилпропил-линолеат) детектованих у одбрамбеним секретима стонога
Megaphyllum bosniense и M. unilineatum на вијабилност нормалних (BEAS-2B) и
канцeрских (A549) ћелија плућа коришћењем МТТ теста. Сви испитивани естри су
смањивали вијабилност ћелија, при чему је постојала значајна разлика у одговору
канцерских у односу на нормалне ћелије у случају три естра (хексил-, фенетил- и 3-
фенилпропил-линолеат). Иако су естри карбоксилних киселина познати као мало
реактивна једињења, резултати ове студије показују да представници ове класе
хемијских једињења могу имати цитотоксични потенцијал.",
publisher = "Beograd : Srpsko biološko društvo",
journal = "Treći kongres biologa Srbije",
title = "Citotoksični potencijal estara linoleinske kiseline detektovanih u odbrambenim sekretima stonoga Megaphyllum bosniense i M. unilineatum (Diplopoda: Julida), Цитотоксични потенцијал естара линолеинске киселине детектованих у одбрамбеним секретима стонога Megaphyllum bosniense и M. unilineatum (Diplopoda: Julida)",
pages = "186",
url = ""
Milovanović, J., Ilić, B., Radulović, N., Mladenović, M., Makarov, S.,& Divac Rankov, A.. (2022). Citotoksični potencijal estara linoleinske kiseline detektovanih u odbrambenim sekretima stonoga Megaphyllum bosniense i M. unilineatum (Diplopoda: Julida). in Treći kongres biologa Srbije
Beograd : Srpsko biološko društvo., 186.
Milovanović J, Ilić B, Radulović N, Mladenović M, Makarov S, Divac Rankov A. Citotoksični potencijal estara linoleinske kiseline detektovanih u odbrambenim sekretima stonoga Megaphyllum bosniense i M. unilineatum (Diplopoda: Julida). in Treći kongres biologa Srbije. 2022;:186. .
Milovanović, Jelena, Ilić, Bojan, Radulović, Niko, Mladenović, Marko, Makarov, Slobodan, Divac Rankov, Aleksandra, "Citotoksični potencijal estara linoleinske kiseline detektovanih u odbrambenim sekretima stonoga Megaphyllum bosniense i M. unilineatum (Diplopoda: Julida)" in Treći kongres biologa Srbije (2022):186, .

The effect of new natural long-chain fatty acid esters from millipede defensive secretion on reactive oxygen species (ROS) production in a cell-free model system

Milovanović, Jelena; Divac Rankov, Aleksandra; Radulović, Niko; Mladenović, Marko; Ilić, Bojan; Makarov, Slobodan

(Elsevier Science Inc, New York, 2021)

AU  - Milovanović, Jelena
AU  - Divac Rankov, Aleksandra
AU  - Radulović, Niko
AU  - Mladenović, Marko
AU  - Ilić, Bojan
AU  - Makarov, Slobodan
PY  - 2021
UR  -
PB  - Elsevier Science Inc, New York
C3  - Free Radical Biology and Medicine
T1  - The effect of new natural long-chain fatty acid esters from millipede defensive secretion on reactive oxygen species (ROS) production in a cell-free model system
EP  - S39
SP  - S39
VL  - 177
DO  - 10.1016/j.freeradbiomed.2021.08.119
ER  - 
author = "Milovanović, Jelena and Divac Rankov, Aleksandra and Radulović, Niko and Mladenović, Marko and Ilić, Bojan and Makarov, Slobodan",
year = "2021",
publisher = "Elsevier Science Inc, New York",
journal = "Free Radical Biology and Medicine",
title = "The effect of new natural long-chain fatty acid esters from millipede defensive secretion on reactive oxygen species (ROS) production in a cell-free model system",
pages = "S39-S39",
volume = "177",
doi = "10.1016/j.freeradbiomed.2021.08.119"
Milovanović, J., Divac Rankov, A., Radulović, N., Mladenović, M., Ilić, B.,& Makarov, S.. (2021). The effect of new natural long-chain fatty acid esters from millipede defensive secretion on reactive oxygen species (ROS) production in a cell-free model system. in Free Radical Biology and Medicine
Elsevier Science Inc, New York., 177, S39-S39.
Milovanović J, Divac Rankov A, Radulović N, Mladenović M, Ilić B, Makarov S. The effect of new natural long-chain fatty acid esters from millipede defensive secretion on reactive oxygen species (ROS) production in a cell-free model system. in Free Radical Biology and Medicine. 2021;177:S39-S39.
doi:10.1016/j.freeradbiomed.2021.08.119 .
Milovanović, Jelena, Divac Rankov, Aleksandra, Radulović, Niko, Mladenović, Marko, Ilić, Bojan, Makarov, Slobodan, "The effect of new natural long-chain fatty acid esters from millipede defensive secretion on reactive oxygen species (ROS) production in a cell-free model system" in Free Radical Biology and Medicine, 177 (2021):S39-S39, . .

Bioinformatics pipeline for genotyping and genotype - phenotype association study in maize (Zea mays L.)

Mladenović, Marko; Grčić, Nikola; Dudić, Dragana; Nikolić, Ana; Božić, Manja; Delić, Nenad; Prodanović, Slaven; Banović Đeri, Bojana

(Novi Sad : Faculty of Sciences, Department of Biology and Ecology, 2021)

AU  - Mladenović, Marko
AU  - Grčić, Nikola
AU  - Dudić, Dragana
AU  - Nikolić, Ana
AU  - Božić, Manja
AU  - Delić, Nenad
AU  - Prodanović, Slaven
AU  - Banović Đeri, Bojana
PY  - 2021
UR  -
AB  - Multidisciplinary research is today commonly used in plant breeding for improving important agronomic
traits. High throughput genotyping technologies and genotype – phenotype association studies as widely
used for improving breeding programs, depend on bioinformatics analysis for extracting information from
the gathered data. In this research, among plethora of widely used bioinformatics approaches, the custom
made one was chosen, based on the current recommendations in the field.
The material includes a set of 46 maize inbred lines commonly used in maize breeding programs. Phenotyping
was done for thirteen important quantitative agronomic traits in 8 environments during two years (2018
and 2019). For the purpose of genotyping, plants of all inbred lines were grown under optimal conditions
and sampled after completing the V4 growth stage. Total RNA was isolated from the third leaf of three plants
per inbred line and used for cDNA preparation by Illumina TruSeq Stranded RNA LT kit. Pair-end RNA-Seq
based on Next Generation Sequencing methodology was performed on MiSeq Illumina sequencer using
MiSeq Reagent kit, v2 (2 x 150bp). Raw sequencing data of maize leaves’ transcriptionally active genome
regions at the moment of sampling were used for identification of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs)
in each of 46 inbred lines.
Bioinformatics pipeline for data manipulation and analysis was custom made and included FastQC (for
quality control (QC) of raw data), Trimmomatic tool v0.32 (for adapter and contaminants removal, as well
as for the removal of regions with QC below 30), TopHat (insert size 130, standard deviation 50, maximum
intron size 100.000 – for mapping filtered reads onto the B73 maize reference genome v3.0), Cufflinks
v2.2.1 (for reads assembly), Cuffmerge (for the final transcriptome assembly) and an intersection output of
two independent SNPs calling tools FreeBayes and BCFtools (to minimize false positive results). With the
aim to find SNP markers which show strongly statistically supported relationship with favorable values of
investigated quantitative traits, genotype - phenotype association analysis was conducted. It was performed
using two approaches – one relying on the TASSEL software, widely used in agronomics and the other based
on machine learning software like WEKA, rarely used in agronomics. The results of two approaches were
compared and discussed.
PB  - Novi Sad : Faculty of Sciences, Department of Biology and Ecology
C3  - Biologia Serbica
T1  - Bioinformatics pipeline for genotyping and genotype - phenotype association study in maize (Zea mays L.)
IS  - 1 (Special Edition)
SP  - 109
VL  - 43
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Mladenović, Marko and Grčić, Nikola and Dudić, Dragana and Nikolić, Ana and Božić, Manja and Delić, Nenad and Prodanović, Slaven and Banović Đeri, Bojana",
year = "2021",
abstract = "Multidisciplinary research is today commonly used in plant breeding for improving important agronomic
traits. High throughput genotyping technologies and genotype – phenotype association studies as widely
used for improving breeding programs, depend on bioinformatics analysis for extracting information from
the gathered data. In this research, among plethora of widely used bioinformatics approaches, the custom
made one was chosen, based on the current recommendations in the field.
The material includes a set of 46 maize inbred lines commonly used in maize breeding programs. Phenotyping
was done for thirteen important quantitative agronomic traits in 8 environments during two years (2018
and 2019). For the purpose of genotyping, plants of all inbred lines were grown under optimal conditions
and sampled after completing the V4 growth stage. Total RNA was isolated from the third leaf of three plants
per inbred line and used for cDNA preparation by Illumina TruSeq Stranded RNA LT kit. Pair-end RNA-Seq
based on Next Generation Sequencing methodology was performed on MiSeq Illumina sequencer using
MiSeq Reagent kit, v2 (2 x 150bp). Raw sequencing data of maize leaves’ transcriptionally active genome
regions at the moment of sampling were used for identification of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs)
in each of 46 inbred lines.
Bioinformatics pipeline for data manipulation and analysis was custom made and included FastQC (for
quality control (QC) of raw data), Trimmomatic tool v0.32 (for adapter and contaminants removal, as well
as for the removal of regions with QC below 30), TopHat (insert size 130, standard deviation 50, maximum
intron size 100.000 – for mapping filtered reads onto the B73 maize reference genome v3.0), Cufflinks
v2.2.1 (for reads assembly), Cuffmerge (for the final transcriptome assembly) and an intersection output of
two independent SNPs calling tools FreeBayes and BCFtools (to minimize false positive results). With the
aim to find SNP markers which show strongly statistically supported relationship with favorable values of
investigated quantitative traits, genotype - phenotype association analysis was conducted. It was performed
using two approaches – one relying on the TASSEL software, widely used in agronomics and the other based
on machine learning software like WEKA, rarely used in agronomics. The results of two approaches were
compared and discussed.",
publisher = "Novi Sad : Faculty of Sciences, Department of Biology and Ecology",
journal = "Biologia Serbica",
title = "Bioinformatics pipeline for genotyping and genotype - phenotype association study in maize (Zea mays L.)",
number = "1 (Special Edition)",
pages = "109",
volume = "43",
url = ""
Mladenović, M., Grčić, N., Dudić, D., Nikolić, A., Božić, M., Delić, N., Prodanović, S.,& Banović Đeri, B.. (2021). Bioinformatics pipeline for genotyping and genotype - phenotype association study in maize (Zea mays L.). in Biologia Serbica
Novi Sad : Faculty of Sciences, Department of Biology and Ecology., 43(1 (Special Edition)), 109.
Mladenović M, Grčić N, Dudić D, Nikolić A, Božić M, Delić N, Prodanović S, Banović Đeri B. Bioinformatics pipeline for genotyping and genotype - phenotype association study in maize (Zea mays L.). in Biologia Serbica. 2021;43(1 (Special Edition)):109. .
Mladenović, Marko, Grčić, Nikola, Dudić, Dragana, Nikolić, Ana, Božić, Manja, Delić, Nenad, Prodanović, Slaven, Banović Đeri, Bojana, "Bioinformatics pipeline for genotyping and genotype - phenotype association study in maize (Zea mays L.)" in Biologia Serbica, 43, no. 1 (Special Edition) (2021):109, .

Toxic essential oils. Part III: Identification and biological activity of new allylmethoxyphenyl esters from a Chamomile species (Anthemis segetalis Ten.)

Radulović, Niko S.; Mladenović, Marko Z.; Blagojević, Polina D.; Stojanović-Radić, Zorica Z.; Ilić-Tomić, Tatjana; Šenerović, Lidija; Nikodinović-Runić, Jasmina

(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, Oxford, 2013)

AU  - Radulović, Niko S.
AU  - Mladenović, Marko Z.
AU  - Blagojević, Polina D.
AU  - Stojanović-Radić, Zorica Z.
AU  - Ilić-Tomić, Tatjana
AU  - Šenerović, Lidija
AU  - Nikodinović-Runić, Jasmina
PY  - 2013
UR  -
AB  - To determine the exact structure of previously tentatively identified minor essential-oil constituents of a Chamomile species (Antemis segetalis Ten. (Asteraceae)), we have synthesized a small combinatorial library of 54 regioisomeric allylmethoxyphenyl pentanoates and 2-pentenoates (49 completely new compounds). GC-MS in combination with 1D- and 2D-NMR analyses of the library compounds provided unambiguous data that led to a straightforward identification of the mentioned A. segetalis constituents as eugenyl angelate, 2-methylbutanoate and 3-methylbutanoate (0.21, 0.22, and 0.13 mg/100 g of fresh plant material, respectively). To assess the safety and potential beneficial pharmacological uses of these naturally occurring esters and several other library compounds (these were tested to provide relevant data for a SAR (structure-activity relationship) analysis), we have studied the effect of these compounds in several models of toxicity (acute toxicity against Artemia sauna, cytotoxicity against two cell lines (fibroblast and melanoma)), as well as their acetylcholinesterase inhibitory and antibacterial activities. Anthemis segetalis constituents showed low to moderate activity in all tests. The obtained results suggest that the intake of these compounds in naturally available amounts, on their own, would probably not represent a risk to human health but the possible adverse interactions with the plant matrix should not be neglected.
PB  - Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, Oxford
T2  - Food and Chemical Toxicology
T1  - Toxic essential oils. Part III: Identification and biological activity of new allylmethoxyphenyl esters from a Chamomile species (Anthemis segetalis Ten.)
EP  - 565
SP  - 554
VL  - 62
DO  - 10.1016/j.fct.2013.09.017
ER  - 
author = "Radulović, Niko S. and Mladenović, Marko Z. and Blagojević, Polina D. and Stojanović-Radić, Zorica Z. and Ilić-Tomić, Tatjana and Šenerović, Lidija and Nikodinović-Runić, Jasmina",
year = "2013",
abstract = "To determine the exact structure of previously tentatively identified minor essential-oil constituents of a Chamomile species (Antemis segetalis Ten. (Asteraceae)), we have synthesized a small combinatorial library of 54 regioisomeric allylmethoxyphenyl pentanoates and 2-pentenoates (49 completely new compounds). GC-MS in combination with 1D- and 2D-NMR analyses of the library compounds provided unambiguous data that led to a straightforward identification of the mentioned A. segetalis constituents as eugenyl angelate, 2-methylbutanoate and 3-methylbutanoate (0.21, 0.22, and 0.13 mg/100 g of fresh plant material, respectively). To assess the safety and potential beneficial pharmacological uses of these naturally occurring esters and several other library compounds (these were tested to provide relevant data for a SAR (structure-activity relationship) analysis), we have studied the effect of these compounds in several models of toxicity (acute toxicity against Artemia sauna, cytotoxicity against two cell lines (fibroblast and melanoma)), as well as their acetylcholinesterase inhibitory and antibacterial activities. Anthemis segetalis constituents showed low to moderate activity in all tests. The obtained results suggest that the intake of these compounds in naturally available amounts, on their own, would probably not represent a risk to human health but the possible adverse interactions with the plant matrix should not be neglected.",
publisher = "Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, Oxford",
journal = "Food and Chemical Toxicology",
title = "Toxic essential oils. Part III: Identification and biological activity of new allylmethoxyphenyl esters from a Chamomile species (Anthemis segetalis Ten.)",
pages = "565-554",
volume = "62",
doi = "10.1016/j.fct.2013.09.017"
Radulović, N. S., Mladenović, M. Z., Blagojević, P. D., Stojanović-Radić, Z. Z., Ilić-Tomić, T., Šenerović, L.,& Nikodinović-Runić, J.. (2013). Toxic essential oils. Part III: Identification and biological activity of new allylmethoxyphenyl esters from a Chamomile species (Anthemis segetalis Ten.). in Food and Chemical Toxicology
Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, Oxford., 62, 554-565.
Radulović NS, Mladenović MZ, Blagojević PD, Stojanović-Radić ZZ, Ilić-Tomić T, Šenerović L, Nikodinović-Runić J. Toxic essential oils. Part III: Identification and biological activity of new allylmethoxyphenyl esters from a Chamomile species (Anthemis segetalis Ten.). in Food and Chemical Toxicology. 2013;62:554-565.
doi:10.1016/j.fct.2013.09.017 .
Radulović, Niko S., Mladenović, Marko Z., Blagojević, Polina D., Stojanović-Radić, Zorica Z., Ilić-Tomić, Tatjana, Šenerović, Lidija, Nikodinović-Runić, Jasmina, "Toxic essential oils. Part III: Identification and biological activity of new allylmethoxyphenyl esters from a Chamomile species (Anthemis segetalis Ten.)" in Food and Chemical Toxicology, 62 (2013):554-565, . .