Приказ резултата 2487-2506 од 2570

      Validation of a novel perfusion bioreactor system in cancer research [1]
      Value-added biologics through eco-sustainable routes (BioECOLogics) [1]
      Variability of white poplar clones in a nursery trial [1]
      Variant chromosomal arrangement of adult β-globin genes in rat [1]
      Variant rs745430558 in the SMAD4 gene promoter as a biomarker for adenocarcinoma of the pancreas [1]
      Variants in TPMT, ITPA, ABCC4 and ABCB1 genes as predictors of 6-mercaptopurine induced toxicity in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia [1]
      Variants in vdr and nramp1 genes as susceptibility factors for tuberculosis in the population of Serbia [1]
      Variation in specificity of the PrtP extracellular proteinases in Lactococcus lactis and Lactobacillus paracasei subsp paracasei [1]
      Variations in inflammatory genes as molecular markers for prediction of inflammatory bowel disease occurrence [1]
      Varijabilitet srčane frekvencije i ekspresija ß-adrenergičkih receptora u kardiomiopatiji izazvanoj doksorubicinom [1]
      Varijabilnost mitohondrijskog genskog pula stanovnika Republike Srbije [1]
      Varijante gena "VKORC1" i "CYP2C9" kao farmakogenetički faktori u terapiji acenokumarolom kod bolesnika u Srbiji - razmatranje preosetljivosti i rezistencije [1]
      Varijante i transkripcija gena koji kodiraju komponente leptinskog signalnog puta, inflamacije i antioksidativne zaštite u patogenezi multiple skleroze [1]
      Varijante kodirajućih i nekodirajućih regiona gena uzročnika dijabetesa adultnog tipa kod mladih kao modulatori fenotipa i regulatori genske ekspresije [1]
      VEGF and TNF up-regulate, NSAID down-regulate SOX18 protein level in HUVEC [1]
      Vena caval filters placement for deep vein thrombosis caused by protein S deficiency: Two case reports [1]
      Verification of insertion-deletion markers (InDels) and microsatellites (STRs) as subsidiary tools for inferring Slavic population ancestry [1]
      Vicilin-like storage globulin from buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench) seeds [1]
      Violacein enhances the cytotoxic effect of commonly used chemotherapeutics on rhabdomyosarcoma cells [1]
      Virulence factors, antibiotic resistance, and bacteriocins in enterococci from artisan foods of animal origin [1]