Now showing items 2512-2531 of 2554

      ZASP Interacts with the Mechanosensing Protein Ankrd2 and p53 in the Signalling Network of Striated Muscle [1]
      Zastupljenost F508del mutacije i 5T alela politimidinskog trakta u CFTR genu kod pacijenata sa hroničnim pankreatitisom i adenokarcinomom pankreasa [1]
      ZBP-89 and Sp3 down-regulate while NF-Y up-regulates SOX18 promoter activity in HeLa cells [1]
      Zebrafish ankrd1a as a common player in heart regeneration and skeletal muscle repair [1]
      Zebrafish ankrd1a as a common player in heart regeneration and skeletal muscle repair - a new prospect for unlocking regenerative potential of human heart (ZEBARR) [1]
      Zebrafish as a model for study of developmental origins of chronic lung diseases [1]
      Zebrica (Danio rerio) kao model za izučavanje bolesti pluća [1]
      Zero- and Few-Shot Machine Learning for Named Entity Recognition in Biomedical Texts [1]
      Zinc(II) complexes with aromatic nitrogen-containing heterocycles as antifungal agents: Synergistic activity with clinically used drug nystatin [1]
      Zinc(II) Complexes with Dimethyl 2,2 '-Bipyridine-4,5-dicarboxylate: Structure, Antimicrobial Activity and DNA/BSA Binding Study [1]
      Zinc-induced oxidative stress in Verbascum thapsus is caused by an accumulation of reactive oxygen species and quinhydrone in the cell wall [1]
      Zn2+/Poly(2-Hydroxyethyl Acrylate/Itaconic Acid) Hydrogels as Potential Antibacterial Wound Dressings [1]
      Značaj farmakogenetike u terapijskom pristupu akutnog ishemijskog moždanog udara rekombinovanim tkivnim aktivatorom plazminogena [1]
      Značaj genomskog profilisanja za diferencijalnu dijagnozu pedijatrijskih bolesnika sa bolestima pluća suspektnih na ciliopatije [1]
      Značaj određivanja genotipa Tiopurin-S-metiltransferaze kod dece s akutnom limfoblastnom leukemijom tokom terapije održavanja [1]
      Značaj UGT1A1*28 genotipa kod pacijenata sa teškom fibrozom i cirozom uzrokovanom hroničnim hepatitisom C [1]
      Β-glucosidase b from microbacterium sp. Bg28 as a biofilm control agent In food processing environment [1]
      Алфа-1 антитрипсин подстиче регенерцију репног пераја ембриона зебрице (Danio rerio) [1]
      Анализа алтернативних транскрипата гена CD81 у колоректалном карциному [1]
      Варијабилност клонова Беле Тополе у расадничком тесту [1]