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Next generation sequencing as a tool for pharmacogenomic profiling: Nine novel potential genetic markers for targeted therapy in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia

dc.creatorDokmanović, Lidija
dc.creatorMilošević, Goran
dc.creatorPerić, Jelena
dc.creatorTošić, Nataša
dc.creatorKrstovski, Nada
dc.creatorJanić, Dragana
dc.creatorPavlović, Sonja
dc.description.abstractUvod/Cilj Sekvenciranje nove generacije (SNG) omogućilo je genomsko profilisanje svakog bolesnika. Nova saznanja u oblasti farmakogenomike omogućavaju primenu podataka dobijenih ovom metodom u cilju otkrivanja novih mogućih genetičkih markera za ciljanu terapiju mnogih, posebno malignih bolesti. Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio da se primenom SNG odre- di genetski profil akutne limfoblastne leukemije (ALL) kod dece u cilju procene mogućih molekularnih meta za ciljanu terapiju. Metode Analizirali smo DNK uzorke 17 bolesnika obolelih od ALL dečjeg doba koristeći ciljano SNG. Napredne bioinformatičke metode su korišćene da identifikuju nove mutacije u analiziranim genima i da predvide njihov uticaj i farmakogenomski potencijal. Rezultati Identifikovali smo devet genskih varijanti koje do sada nisu opisane u relevantnim bazama podataka. U navedenim varijantama identifikovane su dve 'besmislene' varijante, ABL1 p.Q252* i AKT1 p.W22*, jedna varijanta koja pomera okvir čitanja, STK11 p.G257fs*28, i šest nesinonimnih varijanti. Kreirali smo trodimenzionalni model za četiri proteina koji bi bili produkt novih nesinonimnih varijanti. Analizirali smo farmakogenomski potencijal svake varijante i otkrili da su dve, STK11 c.1023G gt T/ p.L341F i ERBB2 c.2341C gt T/ p.R781W, mogući kandidati za ciljanu terapiju. Zaključak Nove varijante otkrivene u ovoj studiji pripa- daju uglavnom genima povezanim sa Ras signalnim putem, koji je često zahvaćen mutacijama u ALL kod dece. Farmakogenomsko profilisanje svake dečje ALL biće nezamenljivo za nove terapijske pristupe. Detekcija i inicijalna analiza novih genskih varijanti, koja je predstavljena u ovoj studiji, postaće standardna procedura za dizajniranje i razvoj individualizovane terapije za decu obolelu od ALL.sr
dc.description.abstractIntroduction/Objective Next generation sequencing (NGS) technology has enabled genomic profiling of each patient. Growing knowledge in pharmacogenomics makes it possible to use NGS data for discovery of novel potential genetic markers for targeted therapy of many diseases, especially cancers. The aim of this study was to use targeted NGS to make a genetic profile of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia (cALL) in order to evaluate potential molecular targets for targeted therapy. Methods We analyzed DNA samples from 17 cALL patients using NGS targeted sequencing. Advanced bioinformatic analysis was used to identify novel mutations in analyzed genes and to predict their effect and pharmacogenomic potential. Results We identified nine variants that have not been previously reported in relevant databases, including two stop-gain variants, ABL1 p.Q252* and AKT1 p.W22*, one frameshift, STK11 p.G257fs*28, and six missense variants. We created three-dimensional models of four proteins harboring novel missense variants. We analyzed pharmacogenomic potential of each variant and found that two of them, STK11 c.1023G gt T/ p.L341F and ERBB2 c.2341C gt T/ p.R781W, are suitable candidates for targeted therapy. Conclusion Most new variants detected in this study were found in the genes associated with Ras signaling pathway, which is frequently mutated in cALL patients. Pharmacogenomic profiling of each cALL will be indispensable for novel therapy approaches. Detection and initial analysis of novel variants, presented in this study, will become a standard procedure for the design and development of individualized therapies for children with ALL, leading to improved patient outcomes.en
dc.publisherSrpsko lekarsko društvo, Beograd
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Integrated and Interdisciplinary Research (IIR or III)/41004/RS//
dc.sourceSrpski arhiv za celokupno lekarstvo
dc.subjectsekvenciranje nove generacijesr
dc.subjectmolekularnaciljana terapijasr
dc.subjectakutna limfoblastna leukemijasr
dc.subjectnext generation sequencingen
dc.subjectmoleculartargeted therapyen
dc.subjectacute lymphoblastic leukemiaen
dc.titleSekvenciranje nove generacije kao metoda za farmakogenomsko profilisanje - devet novih potencijalnih genetičkih markera za ciljanu terapiju akutne limfoblastne leukemije kod decesr
dc.titleNext generation sequencing as a tool for pharmacogenomic profiling: Nine novel potential genetic markers for targeted therapy in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemiaen
dc.citation.other146(7-8): 407-411



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