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Structure of topologically closed ORI sequence from dihydrofolate reductase locus in interaction with initiation protein ORC

dc.contributor.advisorKušić-Tišma, Jelena
dc.contributor.otherBrajušković, Goran
dc.contributor.otherBrajušković, Goran
dc.contributor.otherStefanović, Dragana
dc.contributor.otherRadojković, Dragica
dc.creatorTomić, Branko
dc.description.abstractReplikacija je jedan od osnovnih procesa u životnom ciklusu ćelije. Cilj replikacije je udvajanje genetičkog materijala. Da bi genetički materijal bio pravilno umnožen i kasnije razdvojen na ćerke ćelije, razvijen je veliki broj mehanizama regulacije replikacije. Jedan od načina regulacije je pravilan izbor i aktivacija mesta inicijacije replikacije. Broj i kompleksnost mesta inicijacije replikacije varira među vrstama. Kod evolutivno nižih eukariota su jednostavnija, dok su kod viših eukariota kompleksnija. Način prepoznavanja ovih mesta od strane inicijacionih proteina nije u potpunosti razjašnjen. Ori sekvenca, locirana nizvodno od gena DHFR (dihidrofolat reduktaza) hrčka, sadrži tri definisana ori mesta inicijacije replikacije: ori β, ori β' i ori γ. Ori β sekvenca DHFR je jak replikator i pokazuje aktivnost na ektopičnim mestima. Premda je ori sekvenca DHFR jedna od najbolje okarakterisanih ori sekvenci kod metazoa i u okviru nje definisani funkcionalno značajni regioni (AT bogati region, DNR region, BEND, RIP60 region, IR 4 bp), njihova funkcija nije u potpunosti razjašnjena. Protein ORC (eng. Origin recognition complex) je heteroheksamer odgovoran za prepoznavanje mesta inicijacije replikacije. Pretpostavka je da nekoliko elemenata ima ulogu u prepoznavanju ori sekvence od strane ORC kompleksa kod metazoa. Funkcija ljudskog proteina Orc4 (HsOrc4) do sad nije u potpunosti razjašnjena. Našim prethodnim istraživanjima, pokazali smo da HsOrc4 prepoznaje nekanonske strukture i ima sposobnost za utiče na formiranje TAT tripleksa i homoadeninskih
dc.description.abstractReplication is one of the fundamental processes in the life cycle of the cell. The aim of replication is a duplication of genetic material. To make genetic material properly duplicated and subsequently divided into daughter cells, a large number of mechanisms of regulation of replication have been developed. One way of regulation is the proper selection and activation of replication initiation. The number and complexity of the origins of replication (ori) varies among species. They are simpler at evolution lower eukaryotes, while in higher eukaryotes are more complex. The way of recognizing these places by initiation proteins is not fully understood. Ori sequence, located downstream of the DHFR gene (dihydrofolate reductase) hamster, contains three defined origins of replication: ori β, ori β' and ori γ. Ori β DHFR sequence is strong replicator and shows activity at ectopic places. Although the sequence of ori DHFR is one of the best characterized ori sequences in metazoans and within defined functionally important regions (AT rich region, DNR region, BEND, RIP60 region, IR 4 bp), their function is still not completely understood. ORC (Origin recognition complex) is heterohexamer protein responsible for identifying origins of replication. It is assumed that several elements play a role in recognizing ori sequences of the ORC complex in metazoans.The function of the human protein Orc4 (HsOrc4) has not been fully elucidated. Our previous studies showed that HsOrc4 recognize non-canonical structures and has the ability to influence at formation of TAT triplexes and homoadenine structures...en
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu, Biološki fakultet
dc.subjectTopoizomeraza Isr
dc.subjectori DHFRsr
dc.subjectMung Bean nukleazasr
dc.subjectTopoisomerase Ien
dc.subjectori DHFRen
dc.subjectMung Bean nucleaseen
dc.titleStruktura topološki zatvorene ORI sekvence dihidrofolatreduktaznog lokusa u interakciji sa inicijacionim proteinom ORCsr
dc.titleStructure of topologically closed ORI sequence from dihydrofolate reductase locus in interaction with initiation protein ORCen

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