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A successful outcome of pregnancy in a patient with congenital antithrombin deficiency

dc.creatorKovač, Mirjana
dc.creatorMiković, Željko
dc.creatorRakićević, Ljiljana
dc.creatorSrzentić, Snežana
dc.creatorMandić, Vesna
dc.creatorĐorđević, Valentina
dc.creatorRadojković, Dragica
dc.description.abstractUvod. Prisustvo urođene trombofilije predstavlja dodatni faktor rizika od nastanka venskog tromboembolizma u trudnoći, ali i komplikacija same trudnoće kao što su ponavljani gubitak trudnoće, abrupcija placente, intrauterino zaostajanje u rastu i razvoju, te rana preeklampsija. Trudnice sa trombofilijom, a posebno one sa nedostatkom antitrombina, u riziku su od nastanka obe vrste komplikacija u trudnoći. Prikaz bolesnice. U radu je prikazana trudnica sa urođenim nedostatkom antitrombina u toku njene prve trudnoće, čija majka je četiri puta imala duboke venske tromboze, tokom trudnoće i puerperijuma. Uz redovno laboratorijsko praćenje hemostaznih parametara i redovne akušerske kontrole sa praćenjem važnog parametra placentne vaskularizacije, čitava trudnoća protekla je bez komplikacija. Profilaktička terapija niskomolekularnim heparinom uvedena je od 20. nedelje trudnoće, a supstituciona terapija primenom koncentrata antitrombina, neposredno pre porođaja. Porođaj je protekao bez komplikacija i u 37. nedelji rođena je zdrava muška beba telesne težine 3,6 kg i dužine 52 cm, sa Abgar skorom 9/10. Zaključak. Pravovremeno postavljena dijagnoza trombofilije, redovne akušerske kontrole i praćenje hemostaznih parametara u toku trudnoće, kao i primena adekvatne profilaktičke i supstitucione terapije, doprinele su prevenciji mogućih maternalnih ili komplikacija same trudnoće kod bolesnice sa urođenim nedostatkom antitrombina.sr
dc.description.abstractBackground. Presence of inherited thrombophilia is an additional risk factor for maternal thromboembolism and certain adverse pregnancy outcomes, including recurrent fetal loss, placental abruption, intrauterine growth restriction and earlyonset severe preeclampsia. Pregnant women with thrombophilia, especially those with antithrombin (AT) deficiency, are at high risk of both kinds of complications. Case report. We presented a pregnant women with congenital antithrombin deficiency in the first pregnancy, whose mother had had four times pregnancy-related deep vein thrombosis, and antithrombin deficiency. With the regular laboratory monitoring of hemostatic parameters and gynaecology surveillance including the follow-up of placental vascular flow, the whole pregnancy proceeded without complications. The prophylactic therapy with low molecular weight heparin was introduced from the 20th week of gestation and one dose of substitution therapy with antithrombin concentrate was administrated before delivery. Pregnancy and labour were terminated without complications at the 37th week of gestation, resulting in the delivery of a healthy male newborn of 3.6 kg body weight, 52 cm long, and with the Apgar scores of 9/10. Conclusion. A timely made diagnosis of thrombophilia, accompanied with regular obstetrics check-ups and follow-ups of hemostatic parameters during pregnancy, as well as the use of adequate prophylactic and substitution therapy, are the successful tools for the prevention of possible maternal complications and pregnancy itself in our patient with congenital AT deficiency.en
dc.publisherVojnomedicinska akademija - Institut za naučne informacije, Beograd
dc.sourceVojnosanitetski pregled
dc.subjectporođaj, akušerskisr
dc.subjectlečenje, ishodsr
dc.subjectantitrombin III, nedostataksr
dc.subjecttreatment, outcomeen
dc.subjectdelivery, obstetricen
dc.subjectantithrombin III deficiencyen
dc.titleUspešan ishod trudnoće kod bolesnice sa urođenim nedostatkom antitrombinasr
dc.titleA successful outcome of pregnancy in a patient with congenital antithrombin deficiencyen
dc.citation.other68(2): 175-177



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